Dear users!
We are glad to welcome You on our site that help you find answers to your questions.
Thank you for joining Us!
To make your stay a pleasant, correct and respectful towards to other users, we ask you to adhere to the following rules. Being registered on our website, you automatically agree with these rules.
Registered users have the right:
- 1. To ask questions, create polls, express his personal opinion (give an answer) on any liked / interested question from other users
- 2. To complain on various types of violations on the site (spam, obscene language and deviations from the "Rules");
- 3. All Site users have equal rights and responsibilities, regardless of sex, nationality, place of residence, network addresses and other circumstances except for cases a violation of these Rules.
Please, note, that users of the site should exclude:
- 1. The use of obscene language;
- 2. Spamming, links to Internet resources or files that contain advertising information, not related to a given topic of discussion;
- 3. Insult users;
- 4. Placement photos, videos, texts, containing elements of violence;
- 5. Publication of requests for sponsorship or other types of services;
- 6. Also unacceptable discrimination users on an ethnic, gender, religious and other characteristics.
Enjoy your communication and hope for understanding